Environmental Justice

For Metro Blooms, Environmental Justice means healing and liberation for people and the earth, from toxic pollutants in our air, land, and water and freedom from the systems that cause these harms. 

Environmental Justice isn’t just about the environment, it’s social and economic justice, health, the quality of your surroundings, access to food and green spaces and so much more. Environmental Justice is a just, liberated and right world for everyone, especially disproportionately affected communities: Indigenous people, Black communities, people of color and low-income communities locally and globally.

A happy person wearing gardening gloves holding butterfly weed near garden

At Metro Blooms, we strive to:

  • Plant trees, pollinator habitat, rain gardens and other sustainable practices to help improve air, water, pollinator, and soil health
  • Share free, accessible resources on native gardens
  • Bring natural resource investment to underserved communities
  • Support opportunities for silenced voices most impacted by injustices to be meaningfully involved in environmental projects. Learn more about how we engage equitably here.
  • Partner with values-aligned Black, Indigenous, People of Color, renters, and low-income communities.
  • Offer accessible and meaningful paid opportunities including environmental training and green jobs to community partners from Environmental Justice communities
  • Prioritize the people living within Environmental Justice communities as the first to benefit economically from our work together
  • Work to be a trusted community organization led by our values. Click here to see our principles for working with multi-family housing communities

Some of our projects


Minnesota has many incredible organizations doing environmental justice work. Here are some of them. Click the organization to learn more about their impact and support their work.


Interested in learning more or partnering with Metro Blooms on Environmental Justice projects?