- Blue Thumb Job Board provides job listings (governmental, nonprofit, landscape design and other small business), mainly in the Twin Cities Metro.
- Blue Thumb Sustainable Landcare Training provides people with job-ready skills to care for more earth-friendly landscape practices and lays a foundation for next-step education and career pathways in environmental work.
- CLUES (Comunidades Latinas Unidas en Servicio): Los Servicios de Empleo de CLUES ofrecen entrenamiento laboral gratuito, asistencia para la colocación de empleos, talleres, entrenamientos de carrera y ferias de contratación para individuos que quieran desarrollar habilidades laborales y explorar oportunidades de empleo. Todos los servicios de empleo se centran en familias e individuos de bajos ingresos.
- CTUL (Centro De Trabajadores Unidos En La Lucha), a worker-led organization, organizes, educates and empowers workers to fight for a voice in their workplaces and workplaces.
- EMERGE is a workforce and community development nonprofit supporting thousands of people in building careers.
- Environmental Stewardship Institute fosters environmental leaders through an immersive program that supports exploration of the environmental field.
- Helping Hand Companies is a local business in North Minneapolis that works with youth to gain workforce experience, with an emphasis on green careers.
- Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation is an initiative to double the number of Black, Latino, Native American, Alaska Native and Pacific Islander students receiving baccalaureate degrees in science, technology, engineering and math.
- MIGIZI nurtures the educational, social, economic and cultural development of American Indian youth.
- Minnesota Environmental Partnership has a job board; this organization is a statewide coalition of environmental and conservation nonprofits.
- Minnesota GreenCorps preserves and protects Minnesota’s environment while training a new generation of environmental professionals.
- Mississippi River Green Team is a two-year employment and conservation program for Minneapolis youth ages 14–16.
- Renewable Energy Partners provides workforce training and career opportunities in renewable energy, including paid on-the-job learning through the Regional Apprenticeship Training Center in North Minneapolis.
- Reuse MN provides volunteer and job opportunities; it is a member-based nonprofit that works on behalf of repair, resale, and rental businesses to promote the reuse economy in the state of Minnesota.
- Right Track provides employment opportunities and professional skills training for youth.
- Spark-Y offers hands-on learning, an urban agriculture lab, and youth pathways.
- Step Up brings together Minneapolis young people (ages 14–21) with Twin Cities employers through internships and training.
- Takoda, the career pathways division of American Indian OIC, helps community members enter, reenter, and advance in the workforce. It offers support in the following areas: high school, adult education/GED, career education, career services, and financial wellness.
- Tree Trust transforms lives and landscapes by engaging people to build skills for meaningful careers, inspiring people to plant trees, and making our community a greener, healthier place to live.
Urban Roots cultivates and empowers youth through nature, healthy food, and community.