In 2017, the Lynnhurst Neighborhood Association (LYNAS) started partnering with Metro Blooms to promote and install clean water and pollinator-friendly practices in neighborhood yards. LYNAS’ environmental committee created the Lynnhurst Yards and Gardens for Clean Water Program to promote rain gardens, native plantings and bee lawns. This work is part of our Neighborhood of Rain Gardens program. We do a consult with each resident participant, provide a design and order plants. Our partner Conservation Corps MN & Iowa provides crews to excavate the rain gardens. This program has been funded with contributions from LYNAS, the Conservation Corps and residents participating in the program. From 2017–2019 alone, the program installed19 rain gardens,10 native plantings and two bee lawns. Our partnership with Lynnhurst has included garden tours of installed projects, showing what can be done in residential yards to protect clean water and support pollinators.
Partners: Lynnhurst Neighborhood Association, Conservation Corps of Minnesota & Iowa