Minneapolis Blooming Boulevards

stylized rain drop with city buildings and waves

Through Blooming Boulevards, we engage residents in communities impacted by environmental injustices to receive  pollinator-friendly boulevard rain gardens, taking part in planting and maintenance events. We also partner with local youth/young adult groups on learning and paid work opportunities. We are building ongoing relationships through this program; every year, we learn more about better supporting residents, their gardens and the environment, and providing learning opportunities.

In 2024, 160 people engaged in community boulevard planting and maintenance events. We planted 9,070 sq. ft. of boulevard gardens with native pollinator habitat. We estimate that the rain gardens will capture 1.1 million gallons of stormwater runoff. We also partnered with four youth/young adult organizations. For example, young entrepreneurs at Green Garden Bakery took part in our winter seed-sowing workshop and then together we planted the native plants in their boulevard rain garden. In another example, a planting crew from Helping Hand Companies, which supports local youth to earn money, was trained and then planted 24 boulevard rain gardens! Some of the people we connect with later join our Sustainable Landcare Training program to deepen their skill base in maintaining green infrastructure practices.

2024 Partners: All Nations Youth and Community Assistance Program, Beloved Communities, Green Garden Bakery, Helping Hand Companies