Small business properties in cities often don’t have space for flowers or trees, and have lots of impermeable concrete outdoor areas. But our design team identified many opportunities to improve water quality and create habitat for pollinators. We partnered with local businesses and organizations in Northeast Minneapolis to install clean water and native habitat projects along Central Avenue and nearby. The projects were on small, urban, almost completely impervious sites, and we were creative in our use of rain gardens, permeable pavement, native plantings and even our first (!) green roof. We worked with TE Studio, Phygen Coatings, Fair State Brewing Cooperative, the Islamic Cultural Community Center, and Recovery Bike Shop. The program included outreach opportunities for our participants, and we helped them apply for City of Minneapolis stormwater credits.
We calculated that most of the projects would capture at least 90 percent of runoff during an average rain event. Total capture for all six sites: 700 lbs sediment, 1.25 lbs phosphorus, 650,000 gallons of runoff per year.
Funding partners: Clean Water Fund through Mississippi Watershed Management Organization, Hennepin County