Schnazy new title, and some new information too. This year Metro Blooms’ classic Raingarden Workshops are doing just what the new title says…they’re going beyond the do-it-yourself approach to raingarden design and installation and covering topics such as simple healthy lawn care practices more in depth. The information you’ll gain will be oh so helpful not only if you plan to install a raingarden this summer, but also if you just want to know how to take better care of the lake down the road by taking better care of your yard.
Not buying the idea that your yard care practices affect your local waterway? Well let me give you a couple “fun facts” to boggle your mind:
- According to the Environmental Protection Agency, non-point source pollution (you know the fertilizers on your lawn, the dog poop in your yard and the road salt on our streets) is the leading cause of water quality problems in the United States
- That pet waste in your yard that seems like it should break down pretty quickly and become nutrients for the soil can actually take up to ONE YEAR to break down, all the while leeching lots of nutrients into your runoff to flow into our rivers and lakes
- Lastly, and also according to the EPA, a typical city block generates more than 5 times more runoff than a wooded area of the same size, so why not keep some on-site in your new raingarden?
Are you intrigued yet? I hope so, because while we are lucky enough to live in the land of 10,000 lakes, we also must share in the responsibility of maintaining the water quality of those lakes. And no better way to do that than educate yourself and plant a raingarden! So check out our raingarden workshop schedule, they’re only $15. but are worth so much more 😀