Lawns to Legumes funding is at risk: take action now!
Lawns to Legumes funding is at risk: take action now!
ACER (African Career, Education, & Resources Inc. ) is an Issues-based community organization working to uplift and amplify the African Diaspora to build power for systemic change that advances racial and economic equity in our communities.
American Indian Family Center: Thinica Owichakiyapi Thipi This program supports American Indians in Ramsey County with access to safe, stable and affordable housing.
Anishinaabe Endaad is a unique and supportive housing program for Native Americans seeking recovery.
Attorney General Tenant Rights and Tenant Rights Law Help MN Your rights as a tenant/renter.
Attorney General’s Office Tenant Reporting Form This form is for tenants in Minnesota to report a concern regarding their landlord. They cannot respond to all reports but will use reports to identify potential violations and monitor emerging problems. 651-296-3353
Beyond Backgrounds for Renters Do landlords ask you to pay a double deposit, or extra money up front, because of issues in your background? Beyond Backgrounds makes it more likely that a landlord will relax their screening criteria and rent to you! Email:; or call 612-522-2500
City of Lakes Community Land Trust supports people in purchasing affordable homes with financial assistance and ensures perpetually affordable housing through the Community Land Trust model.
Conflict Resolution Center Available for pre-scheduled mediation sessions between neighbors, friends, co-workers, landlord/tenants and more. Typically available 9am-5pm, Monday-Friday, 612-822-9883
Hennepin County Emergency Assistance When Hennepin County residents are in a financial crisis that poses a direct threat to their health or safety, the county may be able to help by providing short-term aid. 612-596-1900
Home Line Free Tenant Hotline
Legal advice, organizing and advocacy for tenants in Minnesota. Leave a message, you will receive a call back within a week.
English 612-728-5767
HOME Line ofrece servicios en español 612-255-8870
HOME Line waxay bixisaa adeeg ku baxa Afka-Soomaaliga. Af- Soomaali wac 612-255-8860. Peb lub koom haum
HOME Line muaj neeg txhais lus Hmoob. Hais lus Hmoob, Hu 612-255-7104
Housing Justice Center Are you a renter in Minnesota? Have you recently been denied housing due to something on your tenant screening report? Call 1-800-429-1705.
Indigenous People’s Task Force Housing provides affordable units for rent for low-income individuals with preference to persons of Native American heritage, households with disabilities and for some households that have experienced homelessness. Renters with criminal histories are accepted.
INQUILINXS UNIDXS POR JUSTICIA UNITED RENTERS FOR JUSTICE Si tiene necesidades de vivienda de emergencia, estos recursos pueden ayudarle a conectarse con sus vecines y trabajar juntes para transformar su vivienda. These resources may be able to help you connect with your neighbors to transform your housing.
Legal Rights Center
Free Legal Services 612-337-0030
Latino or immigrant support: 612-677-2127
Native or Youth support: 612-677-2122
African American or youth support: 612-677-2123
Lutheran Social Services of MN Helping Minnesotans achieve stable housing is our primary goal in our Prevention Program. 612-879-5266
Mid-Minnesota Legal Aid Whether it’s an issue of safety, shelter, income, or health, we’re here to help.
Minneapolis 311 If you’re a renter in Minneapolis and there’s an issue inside or outside your rental unit, contact Minneapolis 311. Call 311 or 612-673-3000, 7-7, Monday-Friday. Warbixin iyo Macluumaadka Magaalada Minneapolis Fadlan Wac 311. Si desea recibir asistencia gratuita para traducir cualquier información que aparece en este sitio, llame al 311 o 612-673-3000. 7-7 Monday-Friday
Minnesota Assistance Council for Veterans If you are a Minnesota Veteran who is experiencing homelessness or at risk of becoming homeless, please reach out to MACV for support: (833) 222–6228 (MACV), email:
Minnesota Emergency Assistance Emergency Assistance helps with payments, such as past due rent, to stop evictions or foreclosure. It can also be used for utilities when there is a threat of disconnection. Asistencia de Emergencia ayuda con los pagos de vivienda, como los pagos de renta atrasados, para prevenir los desalojos o ejecuciones hipotecarias. También se puede utilizar para servicios públicos cuando existe una amenaza de desconexión.
United Way 2-1-1 Free and confidential health and human services info 24/7 to connect you with the resources and information you need. Call 2-1-1 or 651-291-0211
Volunteer Lawyers Network Si desea saber si podemos ayudarle, favor llame a la línea de admisión al 612-752-6677
Provides civil legal services to low-income people through volunteer attorneys, 612-752-6677
Xcel Energy Assistance Options 1-800-895-4999