This project, involving numerous partners and spanning 2015-2019, led to the installation of this privately-owned permeable alleyway in Minneapolis. Starting in 2017, we monitored runoff in the alleyway, which had a history of flooding, for a year. In the spring of 2018, the existing pavement was replaced with a permeable pavement system, PaveDrain, which captures and infiltrates the runoff along the entire alleyway. Further monitoring showed that after the installation of the new system, some 90% of the runoff flowing to the alleyway was captured. In addition, there was no surface flooding. Residents along the alleyway also had rain gardens installed in their yards to capture runoff that was not flowing directly to the alleyway.
To learn more, read this blog post or this report about the project.
Partners: Hennepin County, Minnehaha Creek Watershed District, Standish-Ericcson Neighborhood Association, University of Minnesota St. Anthony Falls Laboratory, alley residents, Conservation Corps of Minnesota, JL Theis